#691 Christmas Shoppng Away!

Today I wanna Share a few New things from Luckie. In Combination with a recent release from Delirium Style. From Luckie we have Boss Bitch Tote In Coffee and Snuggie Boots w-Color HUD.
I added Gala Cozy dress w/hud ( plaid) & A Free Advent Calendar Gift, A spiked Collar ( for Group gift) From Delirium Style Fashion. A limited Edition Ginger Bread Man, Nail Polish from Pixel Geek On my Slink Hands and I was set!

My Eye Liner is WOW Skins Strong Eye Liner. It was FREE from a LL win!
  My Hair is from Alice Project. It was FREE from a Lucky Chair. This Hair is called
Bella - Lucky Brown
My Skin is #7 Puddin/Gabriella by PixyStix
I am Wearing Slink Womens Hands Flat
My Boobs are Lola Tango Mesh Breasts
