Post #683 Penelope

Ladies DO you Ever find your self wanting to take off the eye brows on your skin, simply because there not the right look that day. Or you want to change your pubic hair to a cutsie hear shape perhaps, and darken your eye brows or lighten them a touch. I know I did and now Ive stopped my search.
is a new store I discovered and her skins are nothing short of amazing. This is Penelope. I will tell you all about this amazing skin after you see all the Colors!!

#6 Cinnamon


 With Lola Tango Mesh Breast
Flawless skin applier. Very nice look smooth and no line.

 In this Post I Included several Colors  that are Avaliable.
The entire Collection consists 11 Skin Colors.
They are in no certain order

Cream Cinnamon
Vanilla Custard
Cookie Dough
Chocolate Cake

Each SKin Comes With Applier's for Lola Tango Mesh Breast's, Lola Tango Nipple Applier
Slink Hands and Feet Skin Applier's
6 different Eye brows ( skin has no eye brows on it must add these )
Dimple tattoo, 3 pubic hair tattoo options, Moles on the face tattoo,
5 lipstick Layers, 8 different skin's per color with cleavage options and ab options. Teeth Layer Tattoo, & Lashes!!
So Ladies ~PixySticks~ gives you an amazing opportunity to really personalize you look that much more. And no hassles of covering up Make up you don't like or frustration that your eye brows are not the way you like them. You will find a lot more than just fine skins at ~PixySticks~ so I suggest you go and check it out!!!
