Post #549 Riding Pants for my Ranch.

So much newness I wanna Definitely Share these amazing Pants with you as well. These are called Janice and are from Delirium Style Fashions. The variety of color options with these pants are great.
I am Sharing my two most favorite colors. Black With Solid blue stripe and Purple. As well as those colors you can find at Delirium Style Black/Blue, Black/Pink, Black/Purple, Black/Red, Black, Red, Blue, Blue Striped, Green, Pink, Pink Striped, & Red Striped. Being Mesh the sizes run L~XXS. I combined these with a Sky Blue and Also a Purple Latex Tank top from Chaos Creations.

Skin is from HUSH April gg Carmel DB with cleavage
Eyes are from Noya Fall Mystic Bronze ( Tyra )
Make Up Glamorize Heavy Red/Black Combo.
My hair is Nikita Fride - Cherry/SugAR
