*LUCKIES* Leather Latex Netted Jacket & *LUCKIES* Fishnet Bow Glasses

Evening Ladies I hope you are having a great Tuesday. I have 2 fantastic items from *LUCKIE* I wanted to share with you today. A Leather Latex Netted Jacket and the *LUCKIE*  Fishnet Bow Glasses.

SO here are some sweet pictures to see this stuff!!







Ok so this Fantastic Jacket the Leather Latex Netted Jacket can be found st the *LUCKIE* Main store.
With the color of you choosing of these 6 amazing choices you recive the following in the box
A Jacket Layer, Tshirt Layer, or Tank top Layer for the top of the Jacket, Pants & Pantie Layers for the bottom part of the Jacket. The Gloves to the Jacket, & the collar. There is also a Lola Boobie Applier for the ladies whom love Lola's prim Breast's.

The Fishnet Bow Glasses can be found at the Singer Icon Fair .
There not sold at the *LUCKIE* Store so I made sure to give you the correct link to find the
Fishnet Bow Glasses.
Ok Ladies Happy Shopping.

China Doll
