2013 LoveCats Style

 Hey Ladies LoveCats Designs Has revamped Bubbly once again. And Its ready to Rock for 2013.

Now here's the thing. If you all ready have bubbly from a previous year, all you need is the update. If you have never gotten Bubbly then there is also a full version outfit. This is a Matching outfit in Mens Version as well as the Ladies seen here.
My Hair is from Emotions, and is a free gift from 2012.
It is called *MERLUNA* /crazy
My lip rings are simple snake bites from ni.ju
My Skin is from Al Vulo it is called Elenor * Son of Flowers Group Gift
My Eye Shadow is Glamorize Heavy Black/Red Combo
My Eye Lashes are Catwa #8

 Added a ad of the mens version for the gentlemen to see.
